Liquid Marijuana drink recipe

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In some places, the recreational use of cannabis is fully legalized, allowing for the production and sale of cannabis-infused beverages. Other jurisdictions may have restrictions in place, permitting only medical use or prohibiting cannabis consumption altogether. Beyond its brilliant green allure, the Liquid Marijuana drink is a symphony of flavors – a perfect blend of […]

Sober Living House Rules: Regulations, Protocols And Governing Bodies

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Residents are typically assigned household chores and responsibilities to cultivate a sense of ownership, teamwork, and accountability. These tasks help individuals develop valuable life skills and contribute to the cleanliness and overall well-being of the home. Sober Living Homes have curfew hours to ensure residents adhere to a structured lifestyle, promoting healthy sleep patterns and […]

Ketamine for the treatment of mental health and substance use disorders: comprehensive systematic review

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Finally, extant research does not speak conclusively to the safety of repeated administration over time, and as such, longitudinal research on safety is essential for informed estimation of risks and benefits of ketamine relative to other therapeutic options. The results of the risk-of-bias analysis is reported in Supplementary Appendix 1 for randomised studies, Supplementary Appendix […]